Youth filed into the lecture hall where the head of the cultural studies branch of the history preservation society would soon preach to his disciples. Murmuring turned to hushed whispering as he took to the podium. A young woman with a cyberpunk edge nudged Clarents as the noise level in…
Articles Written By: Ian
Book Excerpt
Molecular mingling of caffeine dance with the firing of nervous synapses. Everyone everywhere is unprepared for a job interview to some extent. Cliche or curve ball questions, expect the unexpected and try to cover all the bases. Resist the urge to steal Mitch Hedburg’s jokes when they ask you where…
Costa Rica
Traveling often seems like one of those luxuries that other people are always flaunting. “That reminds me of the time I spent in Amsterdam frolicking through the tulips blazed out of my gourd with an entourage of sophisticated prostitutes.” They casually mention, the topic not exactly apropos. I often grapple…
Senior Thesis
(I wrote this back in 08/09, and there is clearly some introspective cathartic release happening that has not aged very gracefully. It served its purpose at the time and resulted in a trio of pieces that I believe are some of my strongest work, so I consider it important despite…